疫苗 及员工测试 问题:
员工 新型冠状病毒肺炎 资源, Testing, and 疫苗 Information
的 员工健康处 这里是为生病的员工准备的吗, 关注新型冠状病毒肺炎暴露, 或者需要批准才能回去工作的人. 我们还为员工接种疫苗. 下面是一些与小时有关的有用信息, 曝光, 自我监控, 以及我们最近分发的密报. 请打电话给 us if you have any 新型冠状病毒肺炎 health questions.
- 早上7点到8点
- 下午1:30至3:00
- 早上7:30 - 8:30
- 上午8时至9时30分
- 下午2点至3点
- 早上7点到8点
- 下午1:30至3:00
If you cannot come during these hours, please 呼叫 to make an appointment 315-361-2907 (内部分机:1138或1438).
为了保住我们的病人, 居民, 员工安全, we have developed a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Symptom Monitoring Tracking System Tool. 所有医护人员(包括学生), 合同员工, 志愿者, etc) affiliated with 澳门在线赌城娱乐 will be required to monitor temperature and symptoms related to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 once a day prior to the start of their shift. 监测症状是纽约州卫生和健康局的一项要求,并将由理事机构进行审计.
Anyone who answers “yes” or who has a temperature reading of >100.0 should notify their manager and/or infection control (during normal business hours) before reporting to work. Reporting to work should be considered an attestation that you do not have any symptoms related to 新型冠状病毒肺炎.
员工健康新型冠状病毒肺炎筛查工具(PDF) (更新12.29.21)
If you believe you have been exposed through direct or indirect contact with a person who is presumed or confirmed to have 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 请立即与员工健康部门联系.
315-361-2907 (内部分机:1138或1438).
- 你将被要求在第5题进行测试th 在您的家庭成员出现症状或检测呈阳性的第二天,以先到者为准. 你将在第7天再次接受测试. 如果测试返回阳性, your 10-day quarantine will begin on the day of your positive test result.
- You can continue to work throughout this time as long as you are symptom monitoring every day and report no symptoms. 您的经理/主管将负责检查您的症状监测表.
- 如果在任何时候出现症状,应通知员工健康部门,并停止工作.
- You will be required to wear an N95 throughout your work shifts until your household member’s quarantine is over.
- You should not take unmasked work breaks or lunch breaks with other staff members to avoid accidental 曝光.
- If non-patient-facing tasks are available they should be prioritized
Exposures outside of household members are handled on a case-by-case basis and need to be discussed with 员工 Health.
为了员工的安全,我们强烈建议员工接种新冠病毒疫苗, 病人, 和居民. ECF employees should discuss vaccine availability with their supervisors. All other employees are encouraged to 呼叫 员工 Health. 你也可以选择在当地的社区疫苗中心接种疫苗. Here are just a few options to find Vaccination Centers near you.
Healthcare personnel are considered fully vaccinated when 所有 mandated 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine doses have been received, 包括任何符合条件的加强剂量.
充分接种疫苗 people will still need to wear a mask:
- On public transportation (airplanes, buses, trains, subways, taxis, etc.)
- In transportation hubs (airports, bus/train/subway stations)
- 在医疗保健机构,包括医疗办公室、疗养院和医院
- While visiting prisons (follow current guidance inside prisons)
- 在无家可归者收容所
- 在k - 12学前班
私人场地(酒楼), 商店, 工作场所, businesses) may choose to require you to wear a mask and social distance regardless of your vaccination status.
如果你开始拥有 新型冠状病毒肺炎的症状, you should get tested, stay home, and wear a mask around others.
- You still must follow your employer’s guidelines about wearing masks.
- Businesses may either require masks and 6 feet of social distancing or follow 疾病预防控制中心’s recommendation for fully vaccinated people (Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People).
- You must continue wearing masks if you work in a healthcare setting.
- You may need to continue to be tested for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 if you live or work in a residential healthcare facility, 监狱, 拘留所, or homeless shelter and are around someone who has 新型冠状病毒肺炎.
- 截至5月19日, 2021, NYS social gathering limits are 250 attendees indoors and 500 attendees outdoors (NYS/疾病预防控制中心 Guidance Summary ).
- Businesses and indoor events above the gathering limit require unvaccinated individuals above the age of four to present proof of recent negative 新型冠状病毒肺炎 test results.
- 的 NYS Department of Health strongly recommends masks and 6 feet of social distancing indoors where vaccination status is not known.
- Domestic travel is defined as travel lasting 24 hours or longer to states or US territories other than contiguous states (i.e., Pennsylvania, New Jersey, 连接icut, Massachusetts, and Vermont).
- 一般来说 no quarantine, work furlough, or testing requirements for 无症状国内旅客.
- 所有未接种疫苗的国内旅客 人 未恢复 新型冠状病毒肺炎 在过去的三个月里 建议 在抵达纽约后3-5天内接受检测, consider non-mandated self-quarantine (7 days if tested on day 3-5, 否则10天), 并在14天内避免与严重疾病风险较高的人接触, 无论测试结果如何. Contact 员工 Health to schedule a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 test if this applies to you.
- 充分接种疫苗 individuals 人 未恢复 新型冠状病毒肺炎 在过去的三个月里 are 建议3-5天检测 从国际旅行到达纽约后. Contact 员工 Health to schedule a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 test if this applies to you.
- 所有未接种疫苗的国际旅行者 人 未恢复 新型冠状病毒肺炎 在过去的三个月里 建议 在抵达纽约后3-5天内接受检测, consider non-mandated self-quarantine (7 days if tested on day 3-5, 否则10天), 并在14天内避免与严重疾病风险较高的人接触, 无论测试结果如何. Contact 员工 Health to schedule a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 test if this applies to you.
- Monitor symptoms daily from the day of arrival in New York through day 14;
- 继续严格遵守所有推荐的非药物干预措施, 包括手卫生和使用面罩, through Day 14 (even if fully vaccinated); and
- 必须立即自我隔离 if any symptoms develop and contact the local public health authority or their healthcare provider to report this change in clinical status and determine if they should seek testing.
有很多措施, 包括疫苗, 无论你是否在工作,都可以采取这些措施来减少感染新型冠状病毒肺炎的机会, 在公共场合, 或者在家里. 从洗手开始, 并练习社交距离, 注意呼吸卫生, there is an opportunity to reduce your chances of getting 新型冠状病毒肺炎. Below is an educational flyer to communicate these measures.
新型冠状病毒肺炎的预防措施(PDF) (更新4.5.20)
以下文件详细说明了以下方面:对所有工作人员进行强制性监测, 有症状的医护人员, 如果你已经接受了新型冠状病毒肺炎检测, and employees 人 been exposed to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 in a healthcare setting.
员工 & Healthcare Workers Monitoring, Testing and Clearance Process (PDF) . (更新1.12.22)
我们收到了很多员工关于家人健康的问题. 作为回应, we have created a tip sheet offering recommendations which may reduce the chance of you exposing those at home when returning from work.
Guidelines to Protect Family Members of Healthcare Workers (PDF) (更新3.31.20)
的 PDF below is a helpful 4-step guide on how to protect your facial skin as it relates to wearing a N95 face mask daily. 它提供了如何准备你的皮肤的建议, 释放压力, 如何安全使用, 帮助面部伤口愈合.
保护面部皮肤(PDF) (更新4.23.20)
Early studies have shown that soap is better for disinfecting your hands than other traditional methods. 当然, 任何形式的消毒剂都比没有强, 但如果肥皂很容易买到,那就更可取.
为什么肥皂更好?便览(PDF) (更新4.7.20)
随着我们和国家更多地了解个人防护装备的使用,因为它与预防新型冠状病毒肺炎的传播有关, 我们为不同的临床和非临床领域创建了个人防护装备实践. 这些指导方针每天进行审查.
医院和快速护理PPE指南(PDF) (更新4.27.21)
PPE Guidelines for Outpatient Network of Primary and Specialty Care (PDF) (更新12.30.20)
PPE for treating 病人 suspected or confirmed to have 新型冠状病毒肺炎 (PDF) (更新4.17.20)
非临床工作人员个人防护装备指南(PDF) (更新4.17.20)
以下附件是3M n95和kn95口罩的使用说明. 它只适用于ACF(医院).
个人防护装备 KN95使用说明 (PDF)(更新5.28.20)
- 需要n95来护理COVID阳性或疑似患者(包括 所有 ED患者是否为新冠肺炎尚不清楚)
- n95是任何接受气溶胶产生程序的病人的护理所必需的
- 每天使用一粒N95,除非受到污染
- 为了防止污染,请在N95的顶部戴上外科口罩(或面罩)。
- 如果照顾多名COVID+患者, removal/changing of surgical mask is not necessary between 病人
- Use a clean surgical mask if switching to non-COVID patient care
*请注意,我们不认可任何一个供应商或企业超过另一个. 请在报名前仔细阅读.
Peloton - 免费3个月 试用Peloton App
Planet Fitness offers lots of free workout videos on their YouTube频道
Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to your over所有 well-being. 你喜欢在睡前吃点零食吗? 要知道你选择的食物会影响你晚上睡个好觉的能力.
- 大份量和高脂肪食物(如炸薯条)会影响入睡.
- 辛辣的食物会减缓消化.
- Alcohol may make you feel drowsy and have a relaxing effect at first, 然后让你醒来,因为它干扰了深度睡眠,打断了睡眠周期.
- 咖啡、茶或巧克力中含有的咖啡因的刺激作用需要几个小时才能消退. 即使是脱咖啡因咖啡也含有咖啡因.
- 高糖食物和暴饮暴食也会影响你的睡眠能力.
好消息是? Some bedtime snacks can help you take in nutrients your body needs. 饿着肚子睡觉会让你睡不着,所以下次你想吃宵夜的时候, 在睡觉前一小时尝试一小部分这些健康的选择.
- Nuts, including walnuts, almonds, cashews and pistachios
- Seeds, such as flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds
- 全麦麦片配低脂牛奶
- 全麦吐司上涂花生酱
- 低脂奶酪配全麦饼干
- One ounce of turkey or chicken on a slice of whole grain bread
- Bananas and other foods high in potassium, which helps you to stay asleep
- 一罐低脂酸奶
- 一杯低脂牛奶
- 一片低脂奶酪,如马苏里拉奶酪
下面是a的视频 健康的北部 这里有一些有用的建议,可以减少由于无聊或压力而产生的渴望或暴饮暴食.
- 以证据为基础的全面戒烟方法
- 可重复的六周课程
- 每日多媒体待办事项清单
- 签入和提醒
- 文章和视频
- 通过无烟全天候支持.政府
- Additional support for quitting smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes
开始吧, 今天从您的移动设备上下载免费的Wellframe应用程序,并使用访问代码:EXCELLUS
如果你需要找人倾诉,我们随时恭候. 请和你的经理或主管谈谈.
的 following are mediation and mindfulness tools that are currently free.
顶部空间, a global leader in mindfulness and meditation, is offering 免费的冥想和正念内容t. 你可以访问一系列有科学依据的, 循证冥想, 还有在家练习, 睡眠和孩子的满足有助于解决不断上升的压力和焦虑,请访问headspace.Com获取更多信息。.
员工援助计划(EAP)免费提供, 为澳门在线赌城娱乐公司员工和您的受保家属提供保密的短期咨询服务. Licensed social workers trained provide counseling services to individuals in need of personal assistance provide counseling. 如有疑问或预约,请联系 315-697-3949.
的 following support services are free and confidential.
PsychAssociates, 与领先年龄有关, is offering free emotional support to nursing home staff, 护理人员, 家庭成员, 以及受灾严重的社区成员. 的 support line can be reached any time, 24 hours a day, 一周7天. 请打电话给 212-851-8101 or 212-851-8100 或电子邮件 support@psychassociates.com
NAMI热线是免费的, 全国同伴支持服务提供信息, 向有精神健康问题的人提供资源转介和支持, 他们的家庭成员和照顾者, 心理健康提供者, 公众. 热线人员和志愿者经验丰富,训练有素,能够提供指导. 输入NAMI至741-741
的 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional di压力 24 hours a day, 一周7天. 电话: 1-(800)-273-8255
备选方案:24小时自杀 & 危机热线联系人: 1-877-400-8740
麦迪逊: 315-366-2327
奥奈达市县: 315-732-6228
New York State has created an emotional support helpline to provide support to those struggling with anxiety, 压力, 抑郁症, 创伤, 和悲伤. 从早上8点到晚上10点,一周7天. 电话: 1-844-863-9314
的 Disaster Di压力 Helpline can provide immediate counseling to anyone who is seeking help in coping with the mental or emotional effects caused by developments related to the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic. 每周7天,每天24小时提供服务. 呼叫 1-800-985-5990 或者发短信“TalkWithUs”到66746.
New York State HOPEline offers confidential help for alcoholism, drug abuse and problem gambling; toll-free, 呼叫 1 - 877 - 8 - hopeny.
全国家庭暴力热线: 1 - 800 - 799 -安全(7233)
每周7天,每天24小时通过电话为员工提供情感支持. 员工应致电 315 - 464 (8436),并要求与社工交谈. 社会工作者可以倾听,提供支持,提供信息和资源.
- 持续的担心或被情绪压垮.
- 过度担心一些问题, 比如健康问题或财务问题, 一般来说,坏事就是
会发生的. - 烦躁不安和易怒.
- Difficulty concentrating, sleep problems and gener所有y feeling on edge.
- Sweating, trembling, shortness of breath or a feeling of choking.
- A pounding heart or rapid heart rate, and feelings of dread.
- 这种袭击经常突然发生,没有任何警告.
- 经历过惊恐发作的人通常会对下一次发作的时间感到恐惧, which can cause them to change or restrict their normal activities.
- 对日常活动缺乏兴趣和乐趣.
- 体重明显减轻或增加.
- 失眠或睡眠过多.
- 精力不足或不能集中注意力.
- 无价值感或过分的罪恶感.
- 反复出现死亡或自杀的念头.
- 谈论死亡或伤害自己.
- 最近的死亡损失, 离婚, 分离, 甚至对朋友失去兴趣, 以前喜欢的爱好和活动.
- Changes in personality like sadness, withdrawal, irritability or anxiety.
- 行为、睡眠模式和饮食习惯的改变.
- 行为古怪,伤害自己或他人.
- Low self-esteem including feelings of worthlessness, guilt or self-hatred.
- 对未来不抱希望,认为事情永远不会好转或什么都不会改变.
可以得到帮助. 如果你需要找人倾诉,我们随时恭候. 请和你的经理或主管谈谈. Please also visit the resources contained in this section for more details based on what type of support you, 一个同事, 朋友, 或者所爱的人可能需要.
的 Clear Path for Veterans 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Community Task Force, formed in response to community need during a time of crisis, 为退伍军人提供紧急服务, 军事成员, 以及他们的家人. 他们位于Chittenango. 欲了解更多信息,请 按此(PDF).
更健康的北部——健康 & 纽约州北部的健康
社区资源, 一个更健康的你提供健康和保健专业知识, news and trends for every phase of life—from fertility and pregnancy to raising kids to end-of-life issues, 同时建立一个支持网络. 要了解更多信息, 点击这里.
纽约州提供免费的育儿资源,在冠状病毒大流行期间为您提供支持. 去 www.nysparenting.org 下载他们的育儿资源指南. This helpful resource packet includes: Daily Schedule Ideas for 首页, 大流行期间的育儿, 在家活动, 运动的活动, 免费在线资源, 解决家庭中具有挑战性的行为
呼叫 to discuss your current needs and to receive food referrals. 服务于11个县. 营业时间为周一至周五上午8点至下午4点30分. 请打电话给 315-437-1899.
罗彻斯特消费信贷咨询服务, 谁为整个纽约州服务, is offering free consultation to discuss your current financial concerns. 营业时间为周一至周五上午9点至下午5点. 请打电话给 585-546-3440.
对于可能因新型冠状病毒肺炎而失去保险的个人,纽约州卫生部正在提供援助. 请打电话给 1-877-355-5777 或在网上访问他们 www.信息.nysofhealth.政府. 有关申请过程的帮助,请联系ACR健康 315-475-2430.
LeadingAge New York has compiled a list of online resources for seniors and loved ones to use while practicing social distancing. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.leadingageny.org 或者下载他们的 新型冠状病毒肺炎 PDF资源页.
请通过电子邮件提交您的任何问题 anarrow@aktuelle-lotto-prognose.com.